





Tennis vocabulary

Player 球員
one of the people involved in playing a game, e.g. tennis player or football player 參與比賽的人,比如網(wǎng)球運(yùn)動(dòng)員或者足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員

Singles 單打比賽
a two-player game 一場(chǎng)有兩個(gè)人參加的比賽

Doubles 雙打比賽
a four-player game 一場(chǎng)有四人參加的比賽

Serve 發(fā)球
a point begins with a player serving the ball. This means one player hits the ball towards the other player. (The serve must be played from behind the baseline and must land in the service box. Players get two attempts to make a good serve.)

Server 發(fā)球方
the player who hits the ball first for each point in a game 一局比賽中為得每一分而首先擊球的球員

Receiver 接球方
the player who hits the ball back after a serve 接發(fā)球?qū)⑶驌艋兀▽?duì)方場(chǎng)地)的球員

Ends 端區(qū)
each side of the court (that begins with a baseline) 球場(chǎng)的每一邊(從底線開始)

Baseline 底線
the line marking the front and back of a tennis court 劃分一個(gè)網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)前場(chǎng)與后場(chǎng)的線

Net 球網(wǎng)
the piece of material down the middle of the tennis court that divides the court in half 網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)中央將球場(chǎng)一分為二的材料

Sideline 邊線
the left and right edges of a tennis court 網(wǎng)球場(chǎng)的左右兩邊的界限

Bounce 反彈
when a tennis ball hits the ground, it goes back into the air - the ball has bounced. During a match, the ball often becomes less bouncy and needs changing for a new ball 網(wǎng)球擊中地面后彈回到空中 - 也就是球反彈。在比賽中,球的反彈力會(huì)越來越弱,需要換新球。

Ball boy/girl 球童(男/女)
professional tournaments use young boys or girls to collect tennis balls during a game 專業(yè)錦標(biāo)賽使用少年男孩或女孩在比賽中撿球

Ball change 更換新球
in tournaments the balls are changed after a certain number of games to ensure they stay as bouncy as possible 在錦標(biāo)賽中每幾局比賽過后就會(huì)換新球,以確保球保持盡可能好的反彈性能

Service box 發(fā)球區(qū)
the area where players serve into 球員發(fā)球的落點(diǎn)區(qū)


Game 局
a player wins a game if, generally, they are the first player to win four points 通常來講,首先獲得四分的球員也就獲得了一局比賽的勝利。

Set 盤
Generally, the first player to win six games wins a set 通常,首先贏得六局比賽勝利的球員也就獲得了一盤比賽的勝利。

Match 比賽
Usually, in men's tennis, the first player to win three sets wins the match. In women's tennis, the first player to win two sets wins the match 一般來講,在男子網(wǎng)球中,先贏得三盤比賽的球員贏得整個(gè)比賽的勝利。在女子網(wǎng)球中,首先獲勝兩盤的球員贏得比賽的勝利。

Deuce (局末)平分
if a score gets to 40-40, the score is called deuce - at this stage, the winner of the game is the first player to now win two points in a row

Tiebreak 決勝局 (或‘搶七局')
if both players win 6 games each then there is a tie-break. In a tiebreak, the first player to win seven points, wins the tiebreak (note: like deuce, if both players get to six points, then the winner is the player who now wins two points in a row)

Love 零分
a score of zero points in a game or zero games in a set 在一局或一盤比賽中得零分。

Match point 賽點(diǎn)
a player who only needs one more point to win the match is said to be at match point 當(dāng)一個(gè)球員只需要再得一分就會(huì)獲得整個(gè)比賽的勝利時(shí),他被稱為處在賽點(diǎn)。

All 平,雙方都
indicates the scores are level. For example, ‘15 all' means that both players have a score of 15 表示得分相等。例如,‘15 all'15平,意思是雙方得分都是15。

Fault 失誤
a serve which hits the net and / or lands outside the service box 發(fā)球觸網(wǎng)或者球落在發(fā)球區(qū)之外。

Foot fault 腳誤
this happens when a server's foot touches the ground in front of the baseline or the wrong side of the centre mark (on the baseline) before the player hits the ball

Let 觸網(wǎng)球
when a serve hits the top of the net and lands within the service box, it is known as a 'let' and the server must serve again


Down-the-line 邊線直線球
a shot that travels parallel to and along the sideline 與邊線平行并且靠近邊線飛行的球。

Drive 抽球
a hard, straight shot often used to pass an opponent at the net 大力、直線擊球,常被用來使球越過處在網(wǎng)前的對(duì)手。

Drop shot 放小球
a gently played shot that just gets over the net so the other player can't reach it 輕巧的擊球,使球剛剛越過球網(wǎng)從而使得對(duì)手來不及趕上來回球。

Ground stroke 擊觸地球
a shot that is made after the ball has bounced 在球觸地反彈之后的擊球。

Half-volley 反彈球
a shot hit just as the ball bounces 在球落地反彈后立即回?fù)舻膿羟颉?/p>

Lob 高吊球
a shot played deliberately high into the air to land at the back of the opponent's court

Rally 對(duì)打
the exchange of shots between players. A rally starts when the receiver returns serve and ends when the point is won 兩個(gè)球員之間的來回?fù)羟颉?對(duì)打'從接球員回球開始,到一方得分為止。

Smash 高壓球
an overhead shot hit very hard, usually before the ball has bounced 過頂大力擊球,通常是在球落地反彈之前。

Stop volley 截停球
a shot that slows the ball down a lot and makes it drop just over the net with very little bounce 使球速大減、剛好過網(wǎng)、并極少反彈的擊球。

The player posted his first win 這個(gè)球員贏得了他的第一個(gè)勝利。
this means that a player has won their first match 這是指一個(gè)球員贏得了第一場(chǎng)比賽的勝利。

Convert a point 獲得一分
this means that the player won that point 這是指一個(gè)球員贏了那一分。

The courts were slow 球場(chǎng)很慢
this means the tennis balls did not travel as fast after they hit the ground 這指的是網(wǎng)球在擊中地面之后速度不是很快。

I fancy my chances 我看好我的機(jī)會(huì)
a player thinks he has a good chance of winning a match against an opponent 一個(gè)球員認(rèn)為他很有機(jī)會(huì)戰(zhàn)勝對(duì)手。

The underdog 不被看好的一方
the player that is expected to lose 預(yù)計(jì)會(huì)輸?shù)那騿T。

Hang on in the match 將比賽撐下去
continued to win points to stay in the match even though it looked like the player should lose 繼續(xù)得分使比賽延續(xù)下去,盡管看上去該球員會(huì)輸?shù)舯荣悺?/p>


S/he will win because they are hungry for the title 她/他會(huì)贏,因?yàn)樗麄兛释」鸸凇?br> if you say this you think that the player really wants to win the title 如果你這樣說的話,那么你認(rèn)為該球員真切希望獲得冠軍頭銜。

My favourite is out 我鐘愛的球員已經(jīng)出局
the person you really wanted to win has lost their match and is out of the tournament 你真心希望獲勝的球員已經(jīng)輸?shù)袅吮荣,而且已?jīng)被淘汰出比賽。

The player is at his peak 該球員處在他的巔峰
if you say a player is at their peak, you mean they are playing at their very best 如果你說一個(gè)球員處在巔峰,你是說他們打出了他們的最好水平。

Goran is a legend!! 戈蘭是一個(gè)傳奇人物!
you think this player is very, very good 你認(rèn)為這個(gè)球員非常、非常棒。

Don't write that player off 不要認(rèn)定那個(gè)球員沒戲
you think that a player still has a chance of winning, even if they are not playing well 你認(rèn)為某個(gè)球員仍然有獲勝的機(jī)會(huì),即使他們發(fā)揮得不好。

The player has been given an easy draw 這個(gè)球員得到了一個(gè)上上簽。
this means that the player only has to play against easy opponents to get to the final 這是指該球員在通往決賽的道路上只會(huì)遭遇容易對(duì)付的對(duì)手。

That player is out of form 那個(gè)球員狀態(tài)失常

that player is not playing well 那個(gè)球員打得不好。


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